Door Repair & Adjustment
The door was not installed correctly - it was just on the edge of working when it was installed. Then later as the groundwater level fluctuated according to rain and the seasons, the foundation moved just enough so that the door is no longer is easy to use. When the groundwater fluctuates back the door may work fine again. The ideal solution is to stabilize the door using the correct materials and procedures and then give the door more room to move if necessary.
Note: sometimes a door may require more than one adjustment to accomplish this. Door Doctor can stabilize and adjust the door and can install special parts so that the door will keep working no matter which season it is.
It's likely due to an incorrectly adjusted door, damaged weatherstrip or incorrect replacement of weatherstrip. Door Doctor keeps on hand many kinds of special weatherstrip and door bottoms that are not locally available so that we can correct these problems for you and your door can be made as energy efficient as possible. Door Doctor has lots of experience working on tall, expensive, double doors.
The door was not installed and / or adjusted correctly when it was installed. Shortcuts are often taken when bifold closet doors are initially installed and especially when they are taken off and reinstalled by flooring company employees when the floors are replaced. If the new floor’s height is different, then the door should be adjusted accordingly, but usually isn't. Also, when a bifold becomes difficult to use it becomes much easier to damage further. The solution is to take the time to correctly install and adjust the door at all three critical places: the bottom pivot, top pivot, and top guide.
The bottom track tends to trap dirt, hair and other debris. All this eventually gets into the bottom roller bearings and causes them to fail. The door must be removed from the track, the roller assemblies replaced, and the track cleaned, smoothed, and reconditioned. The door is then reinstalled and adjusted. The latch and latch keeper are also adjusted.